Bringing high-quality paper and craftsmanship to the table, Zen Blue King Tubes provide you with a rich and enjoyable experience. Stop worrying about tubes that won’t hold up. Give up on tubes that have already given up on you before you ever fill them. Get a better tube for a better smoking experience. Zen tubes will have you chanting a relaxing prayer of gratitude with every puff.
Fill your Zen tubes with any tobacco and take advantage of the 17mm filter, the robust flavor, the high-grade paper, and the relaxing process of smoking. Smoking shouldn’t make your life more difficult. It should give you the relaxed and comforting feeling you’re looking for. You deserve a better tube. Zen Blue King Tubes are here to help you. With 250 tubes in each box, that’s a lot more pleasure for a lot less price. In life, Zen is a state of mind that brings you into an enlightened state of relaxed joy and enthusiasm. If your smoking experience is not filled with relaxing, enjoyable, and pleasure-filled moments, perhaps it isn’t life that needs to change, but your filter tubes. Create the most Zen-like experience when you smoke with Zen Blue King tubes. Grab a box today.